BUILDING A SOLAR HOUSE IN FRANCE - WEEK 31 - grouting joints, interior cladding
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Mr.Augustin using a squeegee to push the grout into the joints in the kitchen. Over underfloor heating the glue and the grout used are supposed to be 'flexible', to allow for expansion and contraction.
The tiles in the hall after grouting and cleaning.
Kitchen tiles before cleaning.
After the hemp insulation in the timber framing comes multi-layer (19 layers) reflective insulation where the overall thickness is minimal. I have used multi-layer insulation with extreme caution in various places in the building in conjunction with the hemp fibre. It is always on the inside (the warm side to avoid condensation) and where the inner lining is something that does not 'breathe' anyway.
The advocates of ecological building are not enthusiastic about the use of multilayer reflective insulation, but I justify it for its high insulation value in cases where there is insufficient thickness, and its utility in summer to reduce overheating. The argument will continue. The timber framed walls are generally covered internally with tongued and grooved cladding ('lambris').
The autumn sun shines deep into the house through the vertical rooflights, and for a few hours each day into the kitchen.
Album last updated on Nov 01, 2008 - 11:09 PM
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