week 34 - garage slab and walls, services and earthmoving

After the foundation walls in concrete block ('parpaings') were laid, hardcore was spread levelled and tamped.

After the foundation walls in concrete block ('parpaings') were laid, hardcore was spread levelled and tamped.
Reinforcing for the corners is placed.

Reinforcing for the corners is placed.
After the hardcore ('herisson') a damp-proof membrane of heavy duty plastic ('polyane') is placed.

After the hardcore ('herisson') a damp-proof membrane of heavy duty plastic ('polyane') is placed.
Ready mixed concrete is poured very liquid and smoothed. It become even more liquid in the rain .

Ready mixed concrete is poured very liquid and smoothed. It become even more liquid in the rain .
The digger conveyed the concrete from the lorry to the slab in a hopper.

The digger conveyed the concrete from the lorry to the slab in a hopper.
Afer the first layer of concrete, a welded steel grid was placed.

Afer the first layer of concrete, a welded steel grid was placed.
The finished slabs.

The finished slabs.
The digger spreading the topsoil around the terrace.

The digger spreading the topsoil around the terrace.
The walls of 20x 20x 50 cm fired clay blocks with 'glued' joints like the 'monomur' walls go up rapidly.

The walls of 20x 20x 50 cm fired clay blocks with 'glued' joints like the 'monomur' walls go up rapidly.
Yves, the mason from Faye, building the walls of the garage.

Yves, the mason from Faye, building the walls of the garage.
At last the house is better integrated into the site.

At last the house is better integrated into the site.
View from the south west.

View from the south west.
The trench for the services was dug in the drive, 80 cm deep and the conduits for electricity, water, telephone, etc. were laid.

The trench for the services was dug in the drive, 80 cm deep and the conduits for electricity, water, telephone, etc. were laid.
Topsoil that had been scraped off the area of the house and drive was brought back and spread around the house.

Topsoil that had been scraped off the area of the house and drive was brought back and spread around the house.
A hard frost showed clearly where the insulation of the roof had gaps in it.

A hard frost showed clearly where the insulation of the roof had gaps in it.
The gable ends of the garage roof take shape.

The gable ends of the garage roof take shape.