HOME  »  BUILDING A SOLAR HOUSE IN FRANCE - WEEK 6 - floor beamsand pots ('poutrelles' and 'hourdis') »  Viewing IMGP8994     [Image 14 of 24]  :: Jump To  
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4: The state of play by Monday afternoon. Another job I took on was to place poystyrine blocks at exact positions where pipes and conduits will pierce the slab. The plumber and electrician, Claude Desvergnes, had previously agreed the ideal positions with me the week before This is in fact something that is better for me to do than to hand the drawing to Francis to do, because almost every single block involves a decision about which side of a precast beam the hole must go when it falls in the middle, and he would have to consult me or risk making the wrong decision.
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May 15, 2007 - 08:28 AM
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Album last updated on May 18, 2007 - 07:21 PM